We’re reluctantly giving ourselves extra time to generate the latest Star Wars posts as we’re trying our hardest to ensure that we abide by our commitment to quality. There are too many Star Wars minifigures for us to handle on our weekly timeline so we’re giving ourselves an extra week to piece it all together. 🤗 We just wrapped on shooting the 2016 batch and the end is in sight with 2017 as the finish line. The time invested in the post-production process ebbs and flows every week so we’re pacing the Star Wars entries like a marathon rather than a sprint. We’ll get there. We promise. 😂
Lego Star Wars Sets:
Elite Clone Trooper & Commando Droid Battle Pack (9488)
Endor Rebel Trooper & Imperial Trooper Battle Pack (9489)
Droid Escape (9490)
Geonosian Cannon (9491)
TIE Fighter (9492)
X-Wing Starfighter (9493)
Anakin’s Jedi Interceptor (9494)
Gold Leader’s Y-Wing Starfighter (9495)
Desert Skiff (9496)
Republic Striker-Class Starfighter (9497)
Saesee Tiin’s Jedi Starfighter (9498)
Gungan Sub (9499)
Sith Fury-Class Interceptor (9500)
Star Wars Advent Calendar (9509)
Malevolence (9515)
Jabba’s Palace (9516)
Pre Vizsla’s Mandalorian Fighter (9525)
Palpatine’s Arrest (9526)
X-Wing Starfighter & Yavin 4 (9677)
Twin-Pod Cloud Car & Bespin (9678)
AT-ST & Endor (9679)
Lego Star Wars Polybags:
Darth Maul (5000062)
TC-14 (5000063)
Lego Star Wars Exclusives:
Mini Slave I
Sith Infiltrator
Luke Skywalker’s Landspeeder
Lego Games Set:
Star Wars: The Battle of Hoth (3866)