Cheers, we’re back. 😙 Although we returned home with jelly legs and sunburns, we’re still crossing our fingers that we’ll return to SDCC next year. The lines for everything were utterly insane, especially for all things Lego. If you aren’t a fan of three-to-four-hour waits, SDCC won’t be your cup of tea. We woke up at dawn and spent half our days in line for a chance to win the exclusive Lego minifigures. We won two PS4 Spider-Man but missed out on Barb and Zebra Batman. 💩 Lego ran out of the exclusives with nearly 150 people ahead of us both days.
We were so close yet so far away. 💔
A gent lucky enough to reach the front of the line sold his Zebra Batman to us but the oodles of dollars that left our pockets did little to mend our broken spirits. 💸 We also purchased Captain Marvel and the Asis (77902) from the secondary market so there’s that heartbreak as well. ☹️ Despite it all, we still felt weirdly lucky that we beat the odds. Lego exclusives are downright hard to get at SDCC and even having one in your hands is much like striking oil AND finding a huge pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. For many, that’s literal. 💰 In the end, we came out okay with two Spideys and the Dark Knight of Gotham City (77903). These little gems will be lovingly added to our collection. 🥰
All in all, we loved meeting, chatting and sharing stories with everyone in line. We met so many SDCC veterans who gave us valuable advice on how to tackle the Exhibit Hall for free swag and how to navigate the Con in general. Our best advice is to talk to everyone you can. They’re the friendliest bunch. 😊
My oh my, don’t forget to pack comfy shoes, a good sunscreen and a portable chair to weather the crazy long lines. There will be a line waiting for you at every turn. 😊 For your daily survival kit, you’ll need to pack tons of water, healthy snacks and batteries to keep your electronics charged. You’ll also need a flexible plan of action with alternate courses should the lines discourage you, and they will. There are a ton of panels and events that occur concurrently so you won’t be able to be everywhere at once. Choose what’s most important to you and you’ll never fail.
Most importantly, if you can, visit SDCC with your squad. There’s no better way to track down and secure the hard-to-get exclusives than with the divide-and-conquer method. Split up and you’ll cover much more ground hunting for goodies to keep, sell and barter. This also applies to the Hall-H panels. Just don’t draw the short straw to camp overnight.
Our biggest advice, though, is to be present. We stayed off our phones during most of the Con and just absorbed the whole experience. The days go by extremely quickly. We sat in the lobby for two hours the day of the Masquerade Ball and oohed and aahed at all of the costumes. It was amazing. 😍 Eek, we’re still reeling from the awesome image of the Night King dressed as Teen Wolf. Tee hee, only at Comic-Con, right? 🤣
PS: To the three kiddies that we met while waiting in line for the Nintendo Lounge, we gave up too. 😝 We decided to visit the USS Midway instead and here’s one more story before I sign off. We were in another line with someone who had friends that ran into Tom Cruise while he was “cruising” the Exhibit Hall. When they turned to him, he casually said, “How are you doing?” Gah! 😎 I can’t wait to see Top Gun! Can you handle the G’s?!?